586-997-9647 dkelly@5by5dzign.com
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Load speed can make or break a website

We’d all rather have a fast website than a slow website because it has a huge impact on a site’s success..

The longer a webpage takes to load, the more its bounce rate will skyrocket. A high bounce rate tells search engines that users don’t find the page content useful, so its rankings will slip.

In one analysis of 5 million desktop and mobile pages found that the average time it takes to fully load a webpage is 10.3 seconds on desktop, and 27.3 seconds on mobile.

Also website load time is also a confirmed ranking signal by Google, so it’s important to speed up your pages for a better shot at SEO success.

Contract 5by5 Design LLC to make your current website engaging, easy to use, SEO friendly and representative of your business’s products & services.

Call 586 997 9647 or visit 5by5dzign.com

Remember we make creative easy!

Article summarized from website builder expert post of 1/2022

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